Sándor Petőfi, The Apostle

Performance by 6szín at the Blinken OSA Archivum

December 31, 2022 7:00 PM
December 31, 2022 9:30 PM
Blinken OSA Archivum tunes into the Petőfi Memorial Year with Petőfi on New Year's Eve. The stage adaptation of Sándor Petőfi’s The Apostle will be performed by the 6szín Teátrum, and is open to the public on Saturday, December 31, after registration.
theater performance
Blinken OSA Archivum tunes into the Petőfi Memorial Year with Petőfi on New Year's Eve. The stage adaptation of Sándor Petőfi’s The Apostle will be performed by the 6szín Teátrum, and is open to the public on Saturday, December 31, after registration.

To mark the 200th anniversary of the poet's birth, the Archives will launch a series of Petőfi-related events in 2023. Starting on March 15, the programs will explore various political, literary, theatrical, and cinematic aspects of Petőfi’s reception. In the run-up to the season, we welcome the public to a performance of Apostol, directed by Bálint Szilágyi, performed by Natasa Stork, Zsófia Szamosi and Ágota Szilágyi in the archives’ building on Arany János Street.

Vision: Sándor Márkus
Composer: Dorottya Tímea Nagy
Assistant: Director Viktória Nagy
Director: Bálint Szilágyi
Cast: Natasa Stork | Zsófia Szamosi | Ágota Szilágyi

“I would call it the beginning of a family novel. Who may our hero be? He wants to belong because he feels underprivileged. He meets world history. The war of independence gives meaning to his life. For a while. One-sided dialogues with God, a disturbing lack of celestial welcome back. He is an apostle of that sort. Love comes and with it the bleak calm of happiness. But the story does not end there. People need to make a living. And life exists only within a society. But freedom is only outside of it. So in the end: should we care about the world? Or should we all just cook our own steaks? Sylvester is busy, but the world would continue to suffer in silence. It does not call for a revolution. Then Sylvester loses everyone around him. The freedom fighter becomes a terrorist. No comment, I would say. Just traps and tin bullets. The lone warrior always fails.”

The program is in Hungarian.
The performance is free of charge, but registration is required.
Registration link: here.
Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis due to limited seating.