Revolutionary Youth Days (FIN) – The Ideological Emptiness of the Kádár Era

Discussion and Film Screening

April 12, 2023 7:00 PM
April 12, 2023 8:30 PM
As the fourth event of the “Petőfi Mirages” series, András Mink talks to Péter Apor and Orsolya Sudár about the Revolutionary Youth Days (FIN). We will screen a documentary film about FIN, made in 1974 by filmmaker Péter Gárdos.
discussion and film screening

Nemzeti Filmintézet / National Film Institute, Budapest

As the fourth event of the “Petőfi Mirages” series, András Mink talks to Péter Apor and Orsolya Sudár about the Revolutionary Youth Days (FIN). We will screen a documentary film about FIN, made in 1974 by filmmaker Péter Gárdos.

As the fourth event of the “Petőfi Mirages” series, András Mink talks to Péter Apor and Orsolya Sudár about the Revolutionary Youth Days (FIN). 

The Revolutionary Youth Days (FIN), first organized by the KISZ (Communist Youth League) in 1967, aimed at the youth, trying to link the memory of March 15, 1848, March 21, 1919 (the establishment of the Hungarian Soviet Republic), and April 4, 1945 (the day of fictitious liberation by the Soviets) in a historical chain, in a fake revolutionary ritual. The main aim, of course, was to merge the memory of March 15 with two emblematic events of the Kádár regime’s myth of origin. During the discussion, we will screen a documentary film about FIN, made in 1974 by filmmaker Péter Gárdos.
Participants in the discussion: Péter Apor and Orsolya Sudár, historians
Moderated by András Mink

The event is in Hungarian.

The event is open to the public and participation is free, but registration is required. Further information:

The video recording of this event is available on Blinken OSA Archivum’s YouTube Channel.