Ghost Csardas

Theater Performance

May 26, 2023 7:00 PM
May 26, 2023 9:00 PM
Zsigmond Kompolthy's (alias András Zoltán Bán) satirical, musical folk play based on Gyula Krúdy’s novel. The closing event of the “Petőfi Mirages” program series.
theater performance
Zsigmond Kompolthy's (alias András Zoltán Bán) satirical, musical folk play based on Gyula Krúdy’s novel. The closing event of the “Petőfi Mirages” program series.

The closing event of the “Petőfi Mirages” program series.

Zsigmond Kompolthy’s (alias András Zoltán Bán) satirical, musical folk play based on Gyula Krúdy’s novel about fake Petőfis, “fans” following fake Petőfis, and the intrigues of the Habsburg secret police, directed by András Schlanger.
The play was first performed at the Radnóti Theater in March 1989, and this will be the first time since then that it is staged in Budapest.

author, dramaturg: Zsigmond Kompolthy (alias András Zoltán Bán)
dramaturg, director: András Schlanger
music by Vilmos Mélyacsay (alias László Melis)
Actors: Balázs Fila, Anna Györgyi, Miklós Jenőváry, József Kerekes, Anna Gizella Kiss, Fanni Kovács Vecei, Zsolt László, Balázs Mihályfi, András Schlanger
pianist, narrator: Benedek Darvas

 The performance is in Hungarian.
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