The Tree/Pain of Truth
Dance Theater Performance

“What's in my heart is in my mouth.”
“Speak not my mouth, I have no headache.”
“Judge not, lest ye be judged.”
“Tell the truth and you'll get your head broken.”
“The truth always hurts.”
“Anything you say can be used against you...”
Cipolla Collectiva: Az Igazság FájA (The Tree/Pain of Truth)
Cipolla Collectiva’s dance theater performances are always concerned with the abstraction and abstractability of individual, personal stories. Csilla Nagy, choreographer, believes that the most important task of dance and theater is to represent the relationships of the individual as part of a community. The dance, often accompanied by live music, also seeks to involve the audience in the creative process, using humor and irony as its most important tools.
The performance at Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archive explores the relationship between the individual and the community through the topos of fearless speech. Taking advantage of the venue, it offers the viewer multiple perspectives: those who are more active can take up a position closer to the action, those who are more passive can stay further away in the gallery. The performance is made up of short, loosely connected scenes that seek answers to everyday questions that we all face in our daily lives:
What is an opinion? What is freedom of expression? When do I exercise my right to informational self-determination and when do I silence myself? When does my silence make me complicit with the guilty? Is having an opinion the same as making a judgement? What is a judgement? Where are the limits? Must I have an opinion on everything? Am I such a wuss if I do not judge?
The creators and actors of the performance: Domokos Kovács, Annamária Sándor, Csilla Nagy
Cipolla Collectiva production web:
I first worked with Domokos Kovács in 2019 in the contemporary dance performance Amoeba—the ever-changing Unity, presented at the Jurányi Incubator House. As the director-choreographer of the project, I found a fantastic collaborator and performer in Domokos.
Annamaria Sándor has been a dramaturg, co-creator and consultant for several years in our dance theater productions, dance films and workshops.
Csilla Nagy is a dance artist, choreographer, and dance teacher. She studied at the Hungarian Academy of Dance and the CODARTS Academy in Rotterdam. She has been working with the Artus – Gábor Goda Company since 2008. She was a member of the L1 Association between 2013–2015. She has been realizing her art projects with Cipolla Collective since 2012.
The program is in Hungarian. Registration is required.
The program is part of the fearless program series organized by Blinken OSA and Freeszfe Association.
The trailer video of this event is available on Cipolla Collactiva's YouTube Channel.