The Enemy of the People

Theater Performance in MU Színház

March 30, 2022 7:00 PM
March 30, 2022 9:00 PM
Henrik Ibsen’s play “The Enemy of the People” performed by the Freeszfe Association at the MU Theatre.
Theater Performance
Henrik Ibsen’s play “The Enemy of the People” performed by the Freeszfe Association at the MU Theatre.

I love my city. It’s ours. We share the water, the air, the words.

The water is poisonous, the air is poisonous, the words are poisonous too.

Our city is built on a toxic swamp. It seeps up from the depths, soaks the soil, pollutes the springs, the waters, the trees, floods the streets, flows into homes, under the bed, simmers into the inside of your skull, sours your weekdays, your weekend lunches, washes away your friends, discolors your future, and people are splashing around. They eat big, they drink big, and you are gasping for air. They dive in, they swim, they submerge, they laugh, they eat, they drink, they take big breaths. You're drowning and the people are splashing.

Far away, in Norway, in 1882.

Written by: Henrik Ibsen
Translated by: László Kúnos

Performed by:
Bence Béres
Csenge Lilla Cseke
Bernát Gloviczki
Kata Kanyó
Dániel Pásztor
Richárd Urbán
Bors Ujvári

Set design: Eszter Bognár, Zsófi Ferenczi
Anna Mosolygó
Sound, music:
Botond Lelkes
Blanka Kovács
Production Manager:
Fanni Molnár
Antal Bálint
Heads of the Directors’ Class:
László Bagossy, Dániel D. Kovács


MU Theatre
1117 Budapest, Kőrösy József u. 17.

Tickets: 2500 Ft - 5000 Ft
Age: 14+ 

The production was supported by: Jurányi House, Pinceszínház, CEU, MU Theatre and everyone who supports the work of the Freeszfe Association [ ; 16200106-11672087 (Magnet Bank)] 

The program is part of the fearless program series organized by Blinken OSA and Freeszfe Association.