Electra, My Love

Film Screening and Discussion

May 4, 2022 6:00 PM
May 4, 2022 8:00 PM
“Electra, My Love” by Miklós Jancsó deals with the relationship between power and the individual, the possibilities of moral action. These questions, the lessons of a two-thousand-year-old tragedy and a half-century-old film, will provide the topics in a post-screening discussion.
film screening and discussion
“Electra, My Love” by Miklós Jancsó deals with the relationship between power and the individual, the possibilities of moral action. These questions, the lessons of a two-thousand-year-old tragedy and a half-century-old film, will provide the topics in a post-screening discussion.

Electra, My Love
Hungarian film, 1974
73 min
Directed by Miklós Jancsó

Electra, My Love occupies a special place in the oeuvre of Miklós Jancsó. It is the first and last time he has touched on classic literary material. The film was shot in 1974, sixteen years after the execution of Imre Nagy. Aegisthus, the tyrant, killed Agamemnon fifteen years ago and usurped the throne. The people, quick to forget, have resigned themselves to tyranny, except for Electra, who remembers and recalls... The parallels are clear, but the film version is more than a political parable: Jancsó has turned the ancient tragedy into a historical-philosophical “dance play”, a “musical ballet” with virtuoso choreography. It is in this work that his style, built with long takes, is at its most sophisticated. The theme is the same as in all his major films: the relationship between power and the individual, the possibilities of moral action. These questions, the lessons of a two-thousand-year-old tragedy and a half-century-old film, will provide the topics in a post-screening discussion.

Participants of the post-screening discussion:
Zsófia Varga, dramaturge
György Báron, film aesthete
György Karsai, classical philologist, theatre historian
György Gábor, philosopher

The program will be in Hungarian. Registration is required.

The program is part of the fearless program series organized by Blinken OSA and Freeszfe Association.