Ambivalent Hungarian Freedom

Interactive Walk

March 15, 2022
April 30, 2022
We invite participants to take a one-person walk through the ambivalent, turbulent soundscape of Hungarian freedom. Participants can refresh the familiar spaces of Budapest and their own familiar thoughts with new, individual experiences. While everyone else in the city goes about their business, participants will have the unique opportunity to reflect on their own and Hungarian society's relationship with freedom through an interactive walk.
interactive walk

Közreműködők / Contributors
Rendező / Director: GARDENÖ Klaudia
Dramaturg / Dramaturge: KOMÁN Attila
Technika / Technics: KOVÁTS Gergő
Látvány / Visuals: ERŐS Hanna
Hangmérnök / Sound Engineer: KOVÁCS-VAJDA Bence
Technikai konzultáció / Technical Consultant: HRUSKA Csaba
Szereplők hangai / VOICES:
BÖRCSÖK Olivér, JAKAB Balázs, KOVÁTS Adél, MUCSI Zoltán, ZSIGMOND Emőke, Utca Embere / Man on the Street

We invite participants to take a one-person walk through the ambivalent, turbulent soundscape of Hungarian freedom. Participants can refresh the familiar spaces of Budapest and their own familiar thoughts with new, individual experiences. While everyone else in the city goes about their business, participants will have the unique opportunity to reflect on their own and Hungarian society's relationship with freedom through an interactive walk.

Ambivalent Hungarian Freedom
We invite participants to take a one-person walk through the ambivalent, turbulent soundscape of Hungarian freedom. Participants can refresh the familiar spaces of Budapest and their own familiar thoughts with new, individual experiences. While everyone else in the city goes about their business, participants will have the unique opportunity to reflect on their own and Hungarian society's relationship with freedom through an interactive walk.

It is recommended that everyone walks alone, as this will allow each participant to experience the autonomous, phenomenon-shaping role of the individual, and the to become aware of the importance of forming one's own opinion.


You will need a smart phone, mobile internet access and a headset to start the walk. You can register via with your email address and can then access the content and locations of the walk. The link will be available from March 15 to April 30, 2022. Each participant can walk at their own pace through the pre-defined sequence of locations. On arrival at a given location, the web interface will detect the coordinates of the phone and then start the audio recording for that location.

The walk can be understood as a prospectus of the history of Hungarian freedom, but also as a kind of confrontation with ourselves, with our society's past and our ever-changing perception of freedom. Do Hungarians have a vision of freedom independent of political freedom, or is everything overshadowed by certain phenomena and individuals whom we want to believe and then end up hating? Is it possible to build a dialogue in the crossfire of narrative battles?


We chose six places in the city. Each of these sites explores the ambivalent issue of Hungarian freedom. There will not be statements and analyses, but actual speeches, associations, opinions and writings about events and people whose role and perception in Hungarian society is constantly changing.

Will Hungarian freedom ever be able to measure up to itself?


Premiere: March 15 at 5 p.m.

The link will be available between March 15 and April 30, 2022, during which period anyone can take part in the walk at any time.


Further details

What to bring: headphones, smartphone, internet, felt-tip pens.

Homework: before the start of the walk, everyone should take a photo with their phone of something in their home that they would take with them if they had to leave the country.

At all the stations, try to find a place where you can listen to the audio in a relaxed position, unless otherwise instructed. You can get to the stations by your own route, walking or using public transport as you please.


Special thanks to Józsefváros Municipality and Józsefváros Nonprofit Zrt.

The program is in Hungarian.

Ambivalent Hungarian Freedom is part of the fearless program series organized by Blinken OSA and Freeszfe Association, with the partnership of EAST END.