Borderless Knowledge – Fearless Speech

The Limits and Reality of Free Speech

April 8, 2022 6:00 PM
April 8, 2022 7:30 PM
Roundtable discussion on the questions: Can there be freedom of expression without privacy? What are its constitutional guarantees and limits? What threatens the freedom of expression: governments, the media, politicians, organizations, the activism or sensitivity of other citizens?
roundtable discussion
Roundtable discussion on the questions: Can there be freedom of expression without privacy? What are its constitutional guarantees and limits? What threatens the freedom of expression: governments, the media, politicians, organizations, the activism or sensitivity of other citizens?

Can there be freedom of expression without privacy? What are its constitutional guarantees and limits? What threatens the freedom of expression: governments, the media, politicians, organizations, the activism or sensitivity of other citizens?

The April 8 event in the Borderless Knowledge series is part of the “Fearless” program series jointly organized by Blinken OSA Archive and Freeszfe.


Speakers at the Borderless Knowledge event:

Balázs Schanda, lawyer, professor at the Department of Constitutional Law at PPKE-JÁK, Constitutional Court Judge

Renáta Uitz, lawyer, Associate Professor at the CEU Department of Legal Studies, Co-Director of the CEU Democracy Institute

Máté Szabó, lawyer, Director of Programs at the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union


Further details
Location: CEU, Auditorium, Budapest, Nádor u. 15.
The program will be streamed online on CEU
s YoTube Channel here.
Videos of previous events can be viewed


The event will be open to the public on site after registration. The program will be in Hungarian. Please register here.

The program is part of the fearless program series organized by Blinken OSA and Freeszfe Association. 

The video recording of this event is available on CEU’s YouTube Channel.