Heiner Müller, Mauser
Liquidation in One Part

The performance (premiere in Hungary) of Heiner Müller’s play, Mauser (translated by Katalin Rácz) at Blinken OSA is part of the series of events commemorating the anniversary of the 1917 Russian Revolution, “Traces of the Revolution”. Written in 1970, Heiner Müller's play was inspired by Bertolt Brecht's ‘learning play’ Die Maßnahme (The Measures Taken). The play, which was banned in the GDR at the time, was first staged by an amateur theater group in Austin, Texas, in 1975 and will now be performed in Budapest for two nights.
Eszter Csákányi
Dávid Csányi
Gergő Kaszás
Blanka Mészáros
Members of the KAPTÁR creative group of the Örkény Theater: Anna Mirjam Halász, Anna Hipik, Blanka Hirmann, Blanka Hirmann, Franciska Horváth, Dorka Jelinek, Zoltán Kispál, Eszter Kovács, Veronika Magyar, Dóri Molnár, Anna Orosházi, Péter Ősi, Dóra Patkós, Rebeka Sefel, Panna Tamási, Ráhel Bogi Timár, Dóra Umathum.
and the audience.
Installation by László Rajk
Space dramaturgy by Máté Kautzky-Dallos
Dramaturgy: Eszter Marsalkó
Director’s collaborator: Nikolasz Gáncs
Directed by Panni Néder
“A: I made a mistake.
CHORUS: You are the mistake.
A: I am human.
CHORUS: What is that.”
Mauser is a single death-scene interspersed with flashbacks—a dense, unresolving plunge into the depths of a revolution taking place anywhere, anytime. The main themes of this site-specific performance are: the question of the historical responsibility of the individual, the objectification of consciousness and the relationship between political ends and means. According to Müller, theater is a public action of our own free will to confront the past. As such, the active participation of the audience and the creation of community in the theatrical space is the main driving force behind the performance.
We are pleased and sorry to inform you that all tickets for the performances have been reserved. Reserved tickets can be picked up at Blinken OSA’s reception desk between November 20 and 23, during working hours from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., or between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the day of the performances (strictly until 7:00 p.m.).
Tickets not collected will be issued on a first come, first served basis from 7 p.m. on the day of the performance.
The stage is only open from 7:15 p.m. Please note that in this performance, the audience moves with the actors in the building and there is no seating in the auditorium.
Special thanks: Márton Kristóf, Ferenc Nemzetes, Ármin Szabó-Székely, Katalin Szelényi, Katalin Székely, Krisztina Remete
The performance is in Hungarian.
In the framework of the “The Traces of the Revolution” program series that is part of the one-year program series “What's Left?”.