The Traces of Revolutions

Program Series

November 7, 2017
November 29, 2017
In the framework of “The Traces of Revolutions” program series, Blinken OSA’s Galeria Centralis László Rajk’s installation will be complemented by a historical exhibition, a student debate is organized about the revolution, the experiment of communism will be discussed at a symposium. A film screening series will reflect upon the era, and a play by Heiner Müller (“Mauser”) will be staged, with Eszter Csákányi, Dávid Csányi, Gergő Kaszás and Blanka Mészáros appearing in the leading roles.
program series
In the framework of “The Traces of Revolutions” program series, Blinken OSA’s Galeria Centralis László Rajk’s installation will be complemented by a historical exhibition, a student debate is organized about the revolution, the experiment of communism will be discussed at a symposium. A film screening series will reflect upon the era, and a play by Heiner Müller (“Mauser”) will be staged, with Eszter Csákányi, Dávid Csányi, Gergő Kaszás and Blanka Mészáros appearing in the leading roles.

On the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Blinken OSA presents a unique program series under the title “The Traces of Revolutions”. In Blinken OSA’s Galeria Centralis László Rajk’s installation will be complemented by a historical exhibition, a student debate is organized about the revolution, the experiment of communism will be discussed at a symposium. A film screening series will reflect upon the era, and a play by Heiner Müller (Mauser) will be staged, with Eszter Csákányi, Dávid Csányi, Gergő Kaszás and Blanka Mészáros appearing in the leading roles.

November 7, 2017, Tuesday
The Missing Staircase
– Installation by László Rajk (Architect and designer)

November 7, 2017, Tuesday, 5:307:00 p.m.
The Traces of Revolutions – Is the Revolution a Question of Principle?

Student debate at Blinken OSA: on the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution students from two Budapest high schools will participate in a public debate discussing the goals, results, and the afterlife of revolutions in general in a historical and moral context.

November 1617, 2017, ThursdayFriday
The Spectrum of Communism
– Symposium and Film Screening
The two-day symposium addresses left wing political thought and artistic practice in a transnational context. It explores the historiographic shifts that affected knowledge production in humanities and social sciences, as well as developments in the field of arts.

Film Screening – November 17, 2017, 5:00 p.m.
The Real October (Katrin Rothe / Switzerland, France, Germany / 90’)

November 1629, 2017
The Missing Siege – Film Screening Series

November 16, 2017. 6:007:30 p.m. 
Storming of the Winter Palace (Nikolai Evreinov, 1920) with introduction
by Yuri Tsivian (University of Chicago) and Daria Khitrova (Harvard University)

November 22, 2017, 6:008:30 p.m. 
(Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein, 1927–28) with introduction by Oksana Sarkisova (Blinken OSA)

November 29, 2017, 6:008:00 p.m. 
(directed by Dezső Magyar, 1969) with introduction by István Rév (Blinken OSA)

November 24 and 25, 2017, Friday and Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Heiner Müller: Mauser 
(Director: Panni Néder)
The premiere of the play Mauser (by Heiner Müller), performed by Eszter Csákányi, Dávid Csányi, Gergő Kaszás, Blanka Mészáros, directed by Panni Néder. The performance is a critical reflexion on Bertolt Brecht’s play, Die Maßnahme (1930).

In the framework of the one-year program series “What's Left?”.