“The Traces of Revolutions” – Is the Revolution a Question of Principle?
A Student Debate

Student debate: on the anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution students from two Budapest high schools will participate in a public debate discussing the goals, results, and the afterlife of revolutions in general in a historical and moral context.
The challenge: The two teams discuss the historical, political, and moral components of revolutions (“the Revolution”) in a debate. They will argue on the issues raised by the Revolution, partly in the light of concrete historical examples (e.g., the English Puritan Revolution, the French Revolution of 1789, the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Hungarian Revolution of 1956), and in the light of the (mostly tragic) historical consequences, examining the aims, implementation, results, and aftermath of the above revolutions.
Participating schools: Alternatív Közgazdasági Gimnázium and BMSZC Neumann János Számítástechnikai Szakgimnázium
Moderator: Ildikó Repárszky, Head teacher of history at Fazekas Mihály Primary and Secondary School in Budapest
Voting: The most convincing team will be the winner of the debate, based on the votes of the audience (online).
After the results are announced, a reception and music will be held to congratulate the two teams!
Visitor registration: kovecsia@ceu.edu; by 12:00 on November 6, 2017. Please enter the name of the school and the number of students!
The program is in Hungarian.
The video recording of this event is available on Blinken OSA’s YouTube Channel.
In the framework of the “The Traces of the Revolution” program series that is part of the one-year program series “What's Left?”.