Through Memories
A Related Event of the exhibition “Left Turn, Right Turn”

The exhibition Left Turn, Right Turn at Blinken OSA presents—beside the Orfeo Group—the activities of the Inconnu Group and their activism related to the period of the regime change. As an accompanying event to the exhibition, the program consists of three parts: a short guided tour in the exhibition, a visit to Blinken OSA, where we will get acquainted with some of the documents in the holdings, and a visit to the Batthyány Eternal Flame monument, Szabadság tér, and Vértanúk tere. We overview the different debates on memory politics of the regime change period and the ensuing thirty years, revealing their means and stakes.
Guided by Miklós Zsámboki (Blinken OSA)
Meeting: Blinken OSA, 1051 Budapest, Arany János utca 32.
The program will be in Hungarian.