Guardian Angels
A Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Gábor Sztehlo and the Guardian Angels Helping Him

The aim of our conference is to draw attention to a particular area of the history of the Hungarian Holocaust, the child victims of the Jewish persecution, and to the humanists who not only rescued children, but also had the strength to ensure that children remained children. “Guardian Angel” was the name of teacher Éva Stiasnyi, who was a member of Gábor Sztehlo‘s team that rescued children and was the head of the Bogár Street Home.
1:00 p.m. Opening ceremony / Dr. Alfréd Schőner, Rector of OR-ZSE
1:20 p.m. Situation of Europe and Hungary during the Holocaust / Szabolcs Szita, Professor of History
1:45 p.m. Lifesavers / József Sebes, President of the Raoul Wallenberg Foundation
2:10 p.m. In Memoriam Sztehlo / Tamás Kende, Historian PhD
2:35 p.m. Guardian Angels – Éva Stiasnyi and Her Companions / Zsuzsanna Kádár, Historian PhD
Five-minute excerpt from the film Gaudiopolis
3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Break
3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Gaudiopolis: Panel discussion featuring ’Sztehlo-children’. Reminiscing about the times at Gaudiopolis, the years spent with Uncle Gábor and the Guardian Angels who were always there, helped, nurtured, and taught them.
5:10 p.m. Sztehlo’s Legacy / Annamária Buda, Head of the Diaconal Department of the Central Office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary
5:35 p.m. Excerpt from Gábor Sztehlo’s book In the Hand of God
Venue: Jewish Theological Seminary – University of Jewish Studies
1084 Budapest, Scheiber Sándor utca 2.
Organizing institution: Raoul Wallenberg Association
The conference is held in Hungarian.
Video recording of the conference (in Hungarian).