Our City – Drama Pedagogy Workshop
Drama Workshop Accompanying the Exhibition “Somewhere in Europe – Gaudiopolis”

Gaudiopolis was run as a representative democracy, with its own president and prime minister, constitution and laws. The children organized cultural programs themselves, founded a library, and could freely choose their vocational training or work as volunteers. Their money was called Gapo Dollar, the exchange rate was pegged to the price of a tram ticket. Gaudiopolis was a thinking, critical and self-sustaining community which proved to be an especially progressive and balanced social organization in the chaotic conditions during and after the war.
To explore this contradiction, in the workshop students will play the roles of the members of a children’s republic who have to solve a large scale conflict, first as a democratic, then as a dictatorial community. The only fixed elements in the play are character cards, and how the situation develops entirely depends on the participants. During the session, students will learn about the historical background of Gaudiopolis, can think together about and discuss what democracy and dictatorship is, and experience what it is like to be citizens, ministers, journalists or judges involved in making decisions for the entire community.
Workshops are lead by Szabolcs Szirony and Anikó Kövecsi.
(drama pedagogy advisor: Rodrigó Balogh)
October 17, Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. and 01:00 p.m. (the session is 2 hours, max 30 students per group)
October 18, Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. and 01:00 p.m. (the session is 2 hours, max 30 students per group)
October 19, Thursday, 10:00 a.m. and 01:00 p.m. (the session is 2 hours, max 30 students per group)
The program is free of charge. Registration deadline: October 13, 2017.
Registration: Anikó Kövecsi (kovecsia@ceu.edu) + 36 1 327 3250
Venue: Blinken OSA, 1051 Budapest, Arany János utca 32.
Because of limited number of participants, early registration is recommended! First come first served. Please, make sure that you give the full and exact name of your school, the number of students, the date and time chosen, and the telephone number of the contact teacher.
The workshop is in Hungarian.
In the framework of the one-year program series “What's Left?”.