AUW, Baloney, 2017
Two-day Workshop with Children from the Cseppkő Children’s Home from Budapest and the Fészek Waldorf School from Solymár

Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop (GHYCZY Dénes Emil, SZEDERKÉNYI Lukács)
The workshop evoked the spirit of Gaudiopolis with the participation of children from the Cseppkő Children’s Home and the Fészek Waldorf School in Solymár and creative guidance of Architecture Uncomfortable Workshop in Budapest (AUW). The main goal of Gaudiopolis was to foster both the theoretical and practical knowledge of its students. Teachers made sure that the children not only read literature but also learned to appreciate it by reading both the classics and contemporary writers. Hence the visit of prominent Hungarian poet Sándor Weöres whose nonsense verses left a great impression on the children – who, in turn, wrote their own nonsense poetry and published it in their paper. In Gaudiopolis, however, children not only studied but also worked together. In the workshops of Gaudiopolis, they made their own furniture and many other articles for personal use and learned the basics of many trades, which they made good use of later on in their lives.
The furniture made during the workshop resonates to this practical aspect of Gaudiopolis. The objects made with various techniques (clay, carving, weaving, and plastering) are also “baloney” objects which evoke the nonsense verses of Sándor Weöres as they also flex their original shapes and function, and morph into new creative artistic interpretations.
Cseppkő Children’s Home: Cintia Balog, Gábor Fodor, István Fodor, Tekla Kocs, András Rinyu, Tamara Suki, István Szabó, Renátó Szabó, Viktor Teller
Teachers: Erika Tóth, István Csermely
Fészek Waldorf School, Solymár: Hanna Bánhidi, Flóra Bánhidi, Flóra Baranyai, Amina Bencze, Zsófia Borostyánkői, Marcell Hähnel, Gergely Horváth, Ádám Jung, Kiara Kékes, Viktória Mohácsi, Blanka Szekeres, Benjmin Tóth
Teachers: Péter Daróczi, Ildikó Mató
Organized by Anikó Kövecsi, Szabolcs Szirony
Group Leaders: AUW (Dénes Emil Ghyczy, Lukács Szederkényi), Anikó Kövecsi, Andrea Marikovszky and Szabolcs Szirony
In cooperation with: The educational team of OFF-Biennale (Nóra Böhler, Zsuzsa Király, Zsófia László, Dávid Attila Székely)
Technicians: Ferenc Nemzetes, Árpád Gergácz
Logistics, administration, catering: Katalin Gádoros, Lajos Bandor, Julianna Lendvai, Nóra Ungár
Special thanks to Andor Andrási (Gábor Sztehlo Foundation)
The video documenting the workshop (directed by Zoltán Krizbai) is available on Blinken OSA’s Youtube channel.