First-Hand about Homelessness

Workshop for High School Students

September 29, 2016
September 30, 2016
In connection with the conference “Poverty Revisited”, organized in memory of sociologist István Kemény, we are launching a workshop for high school students on the themes of poverty, exclusion, and solidarity.
In connection with the conference “Poverty Revisited”, organized in memory of sociologist István Kemény, we are launching a workshop for high school students on the themes of poverty, exclusion, and solidarity.

Blinken OSA Archivum is organizing a conference at the end of September to mark the arrival of the archives of sociologist István Kemény, whose groundbreaking research on poverty influenced many generations in his field since the 1970s. The event will include a workshop for high school students on poverty, exclusion, and solidarity.

During the workshop, activists from The City IS for All and Fedél Nélkül (The Hungarian Streetpaper) will give an insight into the challenges of being homeless and talk about their dedicated work for an equal and just society. During the session, students will watch a short film on the topic and learn about the difficulties of becoming homeless through personal testimonies. Finally, they will experience the daily challenges of being homeless through an interactive situational game. The aim of the workshop is to raise awareness of the complex social aspects of homelessness and to showcase opportunities for social solidarity.

The sessions will be led by Gyula Balog, coordinator of the program “First-Hand about Homelessness”
With the participation of Mária Erdős and activist Adrienn Szigeti

The program is in Hungarian.

Participation is FREE. Registration deadline: September 23, 2016.
September 29
, 9:00 / 11:00 (max. 30 people per group)
30, 11:00 / 13:00 (max. 30 people per group)
Due to limited places, early registration is recommended! Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Please indicate the exact number of participants and the chosen date.
For more information and registration:
 Anikó Kövecsi,, +36 1 327-3250