Therapy – Opening Event

Opening Event of the Küszöb Festival

May 7, 2018 7:00 PM
May 7, 2018 9:00 PM
Therapy is the main exhibition of the Küszöb Festival which reflects on the situation of the youngest generation of artist. The project used group therapy as a tool to show how the young artists of today see their present and future in Hungary. With opening remarks by József Mélyi.
exhibition opening
Therapy is the main exhibition of the Küszöb Festival which reflects on the situation of the youngest generation of artist. The project used group therapy as a tool to show how the young artists of today see their present and future in Hungary. With opening remarks by József Mélyi.

Therapy is the main exhibition of the Küszöb Festival which reflects on the situation of the youngest generation of artist. The project used group therapy as a tool to show how the young artists of today see their present and future in Hungary. The contemporary art scene, as well as the cultural field in general, is full of untold grievances, disappointments and sorrows. One of the goals of this self-awareness group was to help the participating artists to articulate their problems and to realize that they are not alone with their difficulties.

The Therapy project is based on the research of the curator Tamás DonThe chances of young artists in the contemporary Hungarian institutional system. Two psychologists led the self-awareness group of ten young artists, who were chosen by the curator. It was an important aspect to have different personalities and various artistic practices in the group. Since September 2017, the artists attended group events where they started to discuss the personal difficulties that they encountered at the outset of their careers and tried to define the failings of the current institutional system. The last group meeting was held in February 2018. In the second phase of the collaboration, the participants aimed to formulate suggestions which could solve the problems of the institutional system without the need for massive funding.

Opening remarks by József Mélyi.

The program is in Hungarian.