Therapy / Emerging Artists in Hungary Today
Guided Tours for Students

Blinken OSA is organizing a student program in connection with the central exhibition of the Küszöb Festival, “Therapy”, which reflects on the situation of emerging artists, with the aim of starting a dialogue on how young artists see their present and future in Hungary today. The student program will start with a guided tour of the Therapy project and the artworks. After the guided tour, they can try out the board game “OFF-Capitaly”, adapted by its creator to the context of contemporary art. The life-size, interactive, portable board game asks what opportunities young Hungarian artists have in Hungary today; what obstacles they face; what support they can expect; what and how they can make a living while maintaining their independence.
The aim of the program: to reflect with students on the personal and institutional problems that hinder the start of a career in the visual arts, the cost of remedies and the possibilities of creating a sustainable artistic career in Hungary today.
Guided tour: Tamás Don, curator
Duration of the guided tour: about 40 minutes
Blinken OSA, 1051 Budapest, Arany János utca 32.
Free admittance.
Appointments by prior arrangement.
Guided tours
May 24–25, 2018 / from 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
May 31 – June 1, 2018 / from 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
June 7–8, 2018 / from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.
For further information and registration please contact Anikó Kövecsi / +361 327-3250 /
Registration on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please specify the name of the school, the number of participants, the chosen date, and the contact details of the teacher (phone number).
The program is in Hungarian.