The Very Long-Term Consequences of Arbitrary Decisions

The Reactive Citizen #1

January 23, 2014 6:00 PM
April 23, 2014 8:00 PM
“The Reactive Citizen” event series will be introduced by Dániel Antal, consultant at Candole Partners (Netherlands), and former head of the Hungarian Railroad Bureau, followed by the screening of the documentary film “Into Eterenity”.
presentation and film screening
“The Reactive Citizen” event series will be introduced by Dániel Antal, consultant at Candole Partners (Netherlands), and former head of the Hungarian Railroad Bureau, followed by the screening of the documentary film “Into Eterenity”.

The Reactive Citizen event series will be introduced by Dániel Antal, consultant at Candole Partners (Netherlands), and former head of the Hungarian Railroad Bureau, followed by the screening of the documentary film Into Eterenity.

The opening Hungarian-language address will be given by Dániel Antal, consultant at Candole Partners (Netherlands), and former head of the Hungarian Railroad Bureau, who initiated the “Constructive Dialog” program at the Hungarian Ministry of Economy and Transport to address complex questions of public policy.

In the second part of the program, we will screen the 2010 Danish-Finnish-Swedish-Italian documentary film Into Eternity (75 minutes), with Hungarian subtitles. The film presents a Finnish solution to the problem of how to store nuclear waste safely for up to a hundred years.