The Symbols of Socialist Art – Opening Event

In the Framework of the One-year Program Series “What’s Left?”

February 2, 2017 6:00 PM
February 2, 2017 8:00 PM
With the help of contemporary artists from the Central and Eastern European region, the exhibition “The Symbols of Socialist Art” explores and critically re-evaluates the visual dictionary of art historian Nóra Aradi, while also investigating the role of its author in the making of the art history of the 2nd half of the 20th century in Hungary. Opening event with Iván Székely and József Mélyi.
With the help of contemporary artists from the Central and Eastern European region, the exhibition “The Symbols of Socialist Art” explores and critically re-evaluates the visual dictionary of art historian Nóra Aradi, while also investigating the role of its author in the making of the art history of the 2nd half of the 20th century in Hungary. Opening event with Iván Székely and József Mélyi.

The “sickle and hammer”, or the “red star” are still well-known Communist symbols, but how can we read other images, like “Sun”, or “book” in the context of Communist imagery? In 1974, art historian Nóra Aradi, the omnipotent guardian of Socialist Realism in Hungary, published a book entitled The Symbols of Socialist Art that, a quarter century after the fall of Communism, may also serve as a visual aid, a tool in translating the past to newer generations who were born after 1989. With the help of contemporary artists from the Central and Eastern European region, the exhibition The Symbols of Socialist Art explores and critically re-evaluates this visual dictionary, while also investigating the role of its author in the making of the art history of the 2nd half of the 20th century in Hungary.

Opening remarks by
SZÉKELY Iván, Blinken OSA
MÉLYI József, művészettörténész

In the framework of the one-year program series “What's Left?”.

The video recording of this event is available on Blinken OSA’s YouTube Channel (in Hungarian).