Some Kind of Opposition – Opening Event
An Exhibition by Axel Braun Based on Films by Ádám Csillag and Fekete Doboz

Axel Braun’s artistic research project revisits the unresolved controversy about the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Dam System, a disputed infrastructure project that was partly established along the Danube in Hungary and Slovakia since 1977. The exhibition traces the activities of Duna Kör (Danube Circle)—one of the first environmental initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe—and its substantial role as a civic movement during the years of regime change in Hungary. Video footage from the 1980s and early 90s by documentary filmmakers, Ádám Csillag and Fekete Doboz (Black Box) provides the base for Braun’s artistic approach to the topic.
Opening remarks by
István Rév, Blinken OSA Archivum
Vlad Naumescu, Visual Studies Platform at Central European University
Katalin Timár, art historian, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art