Reproduction: Tiszaeszlár and the Extreme Right

A Presentation by Gwen Jones and Zoltán Kékesi

November 28, 2013 6:30 PM
November 28, 2013 8:00 PM
The presentation is part of the program series that accompanies the exhibition “False Testimony” by Hajnal Németh and Zoltán Kékesi.
The presentation is part of the program series that accompanies the exhibition “False Testimony” by Hajnal Németh and Zoltán Kékesi.

The presentation is part of the program series that accompanies the exhibition False Testimony by Hajnal Németh and Zoltán Kékesi.

The Tiszaeszlár trial was closely connected to the birth of antisemitism in modern Hungary, and its effects went much further than the early antisemitic movements of the late nineteenth century. In the 1930s and 1940s, the Tiszaeszlár case played an important role in forming the extreme right’s historical understanding and martyrdom myth. How was this perception of history and the extreme right’s reception of the Tiszaeszlár case revived after 1989? What role did the re-publishing of antisemitic works before WWII and after 1945 play in this?

A presentation by Gwen Jones and Zoltán Kékesi.

The program is in Hungarian.