Housing: Actors and Attitudes
Closing Conference of the Exhibition “Collective Dreams and Bourgeois Villas”

On the occasion of the Bauhaus centenary, Blinken OSA’s exhibition “Collective Dreams and Bourgeois Villas – Site Plan of the Hungarian CIRPAC Group” presents how a group of modern architects, the Hungarian CIRPAC group, faced the housing crisis of the 1920s and 1930s, and how they had to cope with their own responsibility and limitations to overcome this problem. The closing conference of the exhibition, “Housing: Actors and Attitudes” will look at aspects of the housing crisis, the attempts to solve it, and the roles and professional self-interpretations of architects in this context. The presentations will focus on the period between World War II and the regime change, on urban planning opportunities and professional programs after the regime change, and on the tools for creating a narrative around housing.
Detailed program:
14:00 Welcome
14:15 Session 1: After World War II
Márta Branczik (BTM Kiscell Museum, Architecture Collection): Collective Dreams in Socialism. Did CIRPAC have an impact on Hungarian housing construction after World War II?
Keller Márkus (ELTE-TáTK, Department of Comparative Historical Sociology and MTA-SZTE-ELTE Research Group on the History of Globalization): From Design to Production. Architecture and Architects after 1945
15:25 Session 2: From the Regime Change to the Present
Lea Kőszeghy (Eötvös Loránd Research Network Center for Social Sciences): A Professional? An Intermediary? A Problem Solver? – The roles of Urban Planning before and after the Regime Change
Márton Czirfusz (Periphery Public Policy and Research Center): Local Governments as Actors of Housing Policy in Hungary
16:35 Session 3: Tools for Narrative Creation
Attila Bátorfy (Átló/ELTE-BTK Department of Media and Communication): Data Visualization and the Humanities
Judit Ferencz (The Bartlett UCL): The Graphic Novel as an Interdisciplinary Conservation Method in Architectural Heritage: A Book of Hours for Robin Hood Gardens
The program will be in Hungarian.
The video recording of this event is available on Blinken OSA’s YouTube Channel.