We the People! Tuning / Council

Workshop for High School Students

January 14, 2019
June 30, 2023
The “We the People!” workshops are designed for high school students aiming to help them develop their debate skills, practice public speaking, experience how a common decision can be made through constructive debate.
The “We the People!” workshops are designed for high school students aiming to help them develop their debate skills, practice public speaking, experience how a common decision can be made through constructive debate.

The We the People! workshops are designed for high school students aiming to help them

-         develop their debate skills

-         practice public speaking

-         experience how a common decision can be made through constructive debate.

Our aim is to offer a tool for situations where several ideas exist as to what "we the people" should decide.

The sessions consist of two 90-minute sessions that can be used separately, but ideally build on each other. “Tuning is a workshop to develop debating skills, while “Council is a simulation game in which the debate is used as a tool in a joint decision-making situation.

The program is in Hungarian.
The workshops are available upon registration, free of charge.
Further information is available: https://edupro.osaarchivum.org/