The Great Flood in Fehérvár 2
An Exhibition by László Hegedűs 2

HEGEDÜS 2 László
“At that time I didn't know that it would be as if it had not been at all … That’s what life was like, so humiliating and ambivalent.”
László 2 Hegedűs’ exhibition The Great Flood in Fehérvár 2 is based on a series of black and white photographs, supplemented with a visually updated color version, film and installation. Péter Esterházy’s text, written for the pictures, undergoes a transformation as part of the light and sound installation. The motion picture, a fictive documentary version of the theme, blends real and unreal images of an imaginary flood in interpreting the pre-regime-change photos.
Part of the material now exhibited in Galeria Centralis is connected to the series of retrospective exhibitions focusing on the major technical and thematic trends of László 2 Hegedűs’ oeuvre as artist and photographer, which started in 2004 in the Museum of Photography, continuing in the Ernst Museum, the Petőfi Museum of Literature and the Budapest Galéria. The pieces, created using a variety of artistic tools, greatly contributed to the renewal of the means and methods of conveying meaning.