Carrier Bags and Sacks
The 20th Century of Wrapping and Carrying

design: TAMÁSI Miklós
A retrospective chamber exhibition of bags and sacks from the history of commerce in Hungary. A unique collection of 80 important pieces including tinfoil, silk paper, cardboard, wrapping paper, disposable PVC and nylon carrier bags on show for the first time. Unforgettable brands, long-gone manufacturers and shops: shopping bags with the logos of large department stores Szivárvány, Corvin and Lottó as well as of small shop-owners Ignácz Frisch, Victor Kovács and György Fleischer!
We would like to thank nylon bag collector László Kotmajer and paper bag collector Ákos Szepessy for sharing the most interesting pieces of their collections with us and with you.
Closed between January 26 till February 2.