Watching You, Watching Me – Opening Event

Moving Walls 22

October 14, 2015 6:00 PM
October 14, 2015 8:00 PM
“Watching You, Watching Me”, part 22 of the Open Society Foundations’ exhibition “Moving Walls”, explores how photography can be both a tool of observation and a work that reveals and confronts the negative effects of observation. The ten artists in the exhibition provided a satellite-to-street view of the ways in which surveillance culture blurs the boundaries between the private and public realms. Opening event of the exhibition.
exhibition opening

Mari BASTASHEVSKI & Privacy International; Edu BAYER; Josh BEGLEY; Paolo CIRIO; Hasan ELAHI; Andrew HAMMERAND; Mishka HENNER; Simon MENNER; Julian ROEDER; Tomas VAN HOUTRYVE 

New York-i Nyílt Társadalom Intézet / Open Society Foundations, New York

Goethe-Institut Budapest

“Watching You, Watching Me”, part 22 of the Open Society Foundations’ exhibition “Moving Walls”, explores how photography can be both a tool of observation and a work that reveals and confronts the negative effects of observation. The ten artists in the exhibition provided a satellite-to-street view of the ways in which surveillance culture blurs the boundaries between the private and public realms. Opening event of the exhibition.

“Watching You, Watching Me”, part 22 of the Open Society Foundations’ exhibition “Moving Walls”, explores how photography can be both a tool of observation and a work that reveals and confronts the negative effects of observation. The ten artists in the exhibition provided a satellite-to-street view of the ways in which surveillance culture blurs the boundaries between the private and public realms.

Opening Speeches:
Yukiko Yamagata, Curator
Mátyás Erdély, Cinematographer
István Rév, Director of the Open Society Archives


Related Events in cooperation with the Goethe Institute, Budapest and the Open Society Foundations, New York: 

Surveillance Secret Police Film Festival
October 21 through December 2, 2015 (on Wednesdays)
Open Society Archives, Arany Janos 32, Budapest, 1051
How to conduct a secret house search, organize a surveillance operation, or set up a meeting with a field agent? How did the Communist secret police work? Find the answers by watching a selection of Czechoslovak, East German, Hungarian, Polish and Soviet training and educational films produced in the 1960s - 1980s.

Verzio Film Program: Documenting Surveillance
10-15 November, 2015 Toldi Cinema | Művész Cinema | Cirko-gejzír Cinema | Kino Cafe | Open Society Archives, Arany Janos 32, Budapest, 1051
The 12th edition of Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival will showcase films that interpret and expand the concept of surveillance, including renowned works by Harun Farocki, Eyal Sivan and Academy Award winner Laura Poitras. Full program here:

Exhibition Finissage
December 8, 2015
Open Society Archives, Arany Janos 32, Budapest, 1051 


The video recording of this event is available on Blinken OSA’s YouTube channel.