The Rajk Vision – Opening Event

Exhibition in commemoration of László Rajk

December 13, 2019 6:00 PM
December 13, 2019 6:00 PM
Opening Ceremony of the exhibition in commemoration of László Rajk.
exhibition opening

RAJK László

Opening Ceremony of the exhibition in commemoration of László Rajk.

“Tall men go upward; free men go outward, from the innate to what can be learned. They face three demons of inertia: what is down below, what is inside, and what is in chaos. László Rajk the man votes (ça va, ça va); László Rajk the artist makes a choice. Always against the demons of inertia, and always for freedom.” (Miklós Haraszti)

Opening remarks by István Rév historian, György Jovánovics artist

The video recording of this event is available on Blinken OSA’s YouTube Channel (in Hungarian).