New Digital Technologies and Hungarian Innovations in Heritage Management

Archaeology, Historical Landscape and Built Heritage

February 6, 2015 9:30 AM
February 6, 2015 7:00 PM
This two-day event in Budapest—a conference on the 6th and an exhibition on the 7th of February—will search for the answer to the question of how all of these can be used even more effectively than presently, even within the context of international cooperation.
This two-day event in Budapest—a conference on the 6th and an exhibition on the 7th of February—will search for the answer to the question of how all of these can be used even more effectively than presently, even within the context of international cooperation.

3D models, augmented reality, holo pyramids, drones, and global positioning systems—all of these are no longer just the possessions of museums of the future. Throughout the world, and for several years in Hungary as well, these tools and methods that sounded futuristic not long ago are being used in more and more areas for the preservation and presentation of heritage. This two-day event in Budapest—a conference on the 6th and an exhibition on the 7th of February—will search for the answer to the question of how all of these can be used even more effectively than presently, even within the context of international cooperation. The organizers are admittedly aiming at a kind of “high-tech expo,” where Hungarian and foreign experts dealing with the application of various modern technologies and the researchers into archeological and built heritage can meet one another. The hosts of the program are the Archaeolingua Foundation and Press, which has been dealing with the research into and presentation of cultural heritage—in particular archeological heritage—for nearly twenty-five years, and the recently commenced Cultural Heritage Studies Program of Central European University.

Venue: MTA BTK, Jakobinus Terem (1014 Budapest, Országház u. 30.)