History Restaged – Opening Event
In the Framework of OFF-Biennale Budapest

Carlos AMORALES (MX), Heidrun HOLZFEIND (A), Sven JOHNE (GER), Meiro KOIZUMI (JP), Susanne KRIEMANN (GER), Zbigniew LIBERA (PL), Maha MAAMOUN (EG), Roee ROSEN (IL), Clemens von WEDEMEYER (GER)
OFF-Biennale Budapest
Platán Galéria (Lengyel Intézet / Polish Institute)
Támogatók / Supported by
Open Society Foundations
Lengyel Intézet / Polish Institute, Budapest
OSA Archivum
Austrian Cultural Forum, Budapest
Goethe Institute, Budapest
BAC–Baltic Art Center, Visby
Magántámogatók / Private Donors
History Restaged brings together artists whose practices address the necessity of critical thinking and of individual and collective responsibility. Employing strategies of re-staging, where the line between documentary and fiction ceases to exist, the selected works use filmic, literary, archival, and art historical references to revisit historically significant events and unsettle our conventional notions of reality.
Staged within the current oppressive political and social milieu in Hungary, the exhibition project is particularly interested in the artistic strategies of fictionalization where the line between documentary and fiction collapses, often using filmic and art historical references and archival and documentary materials. Some of these strategies subvert our expectations regarding established narratives through staged reconstruction, reenactments, estrangement, humor, and irony. They engage with the rethinking of recent historical events by referring to certain works of art and film historical pieces, with the help of archival materials and literature.
Opening remarks by Gabriella Ivacs (OSA)
Opening speech by Edit Molnár and Lívia Páldi, curators of the exhibition.