Guided Tour by Miklós Tamási

Guided Tour in the Exhibition “Suicide – Hungary 1956–1986”

October 17, 2018 6:00 PM
October 17, 2018 7:00 PM
Miklós Tamási, editor of the Fortepan photo archive, will give a guided tour of the exhibition “Suicide – Hungary 1956–1986”.
guided tour
Miklós Tamási, editor of the Fortepan photo archive, will give a guided tour of the exhibition “Suicide – Hungary 1956–1986”.

Miklós Tamási, editor of the Fortepan photo archive, will give a guided tour of the exhibition “Suicide – Hungary 1956–1986”.

The exhibition is based on the photo archive of the Crime Scene Investigation Unit of the Budapest Police Headquarters and includes a selection of pictures taken at suicide scenes. 

For three decades, between the mid-1950s and the 1980s, suicide rate in Hungary—the „happiest barracks in the East”—was the highest in the world. Why does a person decide to end his or her life? Why did one in every 2.000 persons decide to do it in Hungary? Where does the Archives take to courage from in addressing these issues, showing these photographs in public?

Visitors will be able to learn about the history of the BRFK's photographic archives and get a glimpse into the photographic heritage of the Kádár era. 

The program will be in Hungarian.