Commissioned Memory – Opening Event

Hungarian Exhibitions in Auschwitz, 1960/1965

September 14, 2023 6:00 PM
September 14, 2023 8:00 PM
Opening event of the exhibition “Commissioned Memory: Hungarian Exhibitions in Auschwitz, 1960/1965.”
Opening event of the exhibition “Commissioned Memory: Hungarian Exhibitions in Auschwitz, 1960/1965.”

The exhibition and book project introduces completely forgotten yet exceptional works of art exhibited at the first Hungarian exhibition in Auschwitz in 1960 as well as a monumental fine arts collection commissioned for the 1965 permanent exhibition at the same venue. With the addition of the earliest Hungarian artworks dealing with the Roma Holocaust, the current exhibition highlights the absence of the issue from the 1960s shows.

Opening remarks by: 
Csaba Szilágyi Chief Archivist, Blinken OSA Archivum 
Eszter Susán, Program Manager, Jewish Life Program, Tom Lantos Institute 

Opening speech by: 
András Kovács, Professor, CEU Jewish Studies Program 

curator: Daniel Véri 
graphic designer:
Sarolta Ágnes Erdélyi, Hajnalka Illés 
exhibiting artists:
Tibor Barabás, Gyula Hincz, György Jovánovics, János Kass, Béla Kondor, György Konecsni, Gyula Konfár, József Péri, Endre Szász 

The exhibition was realized in cooperation between the CEU Jewish Studies Program and the Blinken OSA Archivum.  

The event is held in Hungarian.

The video recording of this event is available on Blinken OSA Archivum’s YouTube Channel.