Encode the Past! 1956 Remixed
Student Competition

As part of the series of projects, “The Revolution is Not the Past!” a student competition will be launched jointly with Prezi. Young people under 20 years of age may enter this competition. They are invited to present the story of the 1956 Revolution to others, their peers and their teachers in an interesting and unique way, using the digital collections of the Archives, with the help of digital technology and smart devices, using innovative visualization solutions and/or by developing special software applications or games. Prizes worth a total of 10 million forints, as well as an internship at Prezi, will be awarded to the winners, whose works will be made available to the public and presented in the exhibition hall of OSA in an award ceremony on October 22, 2016. The jury will comprise leading experts of important technology companies.
More information here.
The project is part of the Archive’s “The Revolution is Not the Past!” program, which is supported by Donald Blinken, former US Ambassador to Hungary, and his wife Vera Blinken.